
By NotAnExcuse - 07/11/2012 05:58 - United States

Today, a woman on the train demanded I give up my seat for her, claiming it was for people with disabilities. Tired from a long day at work, and seeing she had nothing wrong with her, I asked what her disability was. Apparently, obesity is one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 629
You deserved it 2 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if she can walk back and forth to her fridge all damn day she doesnt need a handicap seat

As you just found out, stupidity is also a disability. A VERY common disability.


whatthebegerk 7

You should have told her that standing burns more calories.

Nah. Standing burns more calories. You were doing her a favor.

Crabtree1015 12

How rude of her to come up to you like that!

bored1091 4

**** her I would have sat there

btx2 9

I really hope you did not give up your seat op

Hey I'm fat but have lost 100 pounds in the last year never did I think that being fat was a disability. My wife who is also over weight despite a diet of 1500 cals or less a day and two hrs at the gym 4 times a week and is happy when that leads to a pound of loss in a month thought the doctor was joking when he tried to tell her she was disabled.

The whole 'priority seats' thing is such a minefield. I once got bitched out for not giving up my seat for an older (but not quite elderly) lady who seemed to be able to stand fine because my heart condition was playing up. I was in a lot of pain and probably would've fainted if I had to stand but she didn't believe I deserved it because I was younger tham her. :/ So yeah, f your life OP. Though technically obesity is a disability...just an entirely self-inflicted one.

This happens to me a lot, but last time it was an elderly woman.. Who was wearing high heels, I have an issue with my leg and can't even stand on my toes for a few seconds. I didn't notice until after I gave her the seat, and I'm too shy to stand up for myself so I just got angry and did nothing

Don't piss her off, she might sit on you.

Guess she failed to realize that sitting too much will not help with her "disability".

Should've told her standing is better for her condition because it burns more calories than sitting