
By nutcracker - 23/02/2010 09:28 - Slovenia

Today, I tried to see if you can kick yourself in the nuts. You can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 189
You deserved it 68 358

Same thing different taste


mshafty 0

Please do society a favor and keep kicking yourself in the nuts. We really don't need you reproducing!

Who are the people who think FHL? He tooooooootally deserved it! :D

 ROFLMFAO. Exactly what I was thinking 

Pendatic, you're so cool. :D Go get a giggle at this: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apostrophe

I have wondered for some time if your user name is a play on the word "pedantic." :)

s_bloodnozzle_iz 0

hahahahahahahahahajah you idiot.

I also found that out the hard way. Even worse, I didn't even have balls until that moment.

makc5point3vtec 0