
By technologyfail - 26/08/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, I discovered a bunch of emails from my old account that weren't forwarded to my new one. Because of this, I missed a job offer, as well as all the emails from my long-distance boyfriend asking if he could visit. I still don't have a job, and I broke up with him because he "failed to communicate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 937
You deserved it 51 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This sounds more like an FML for your boyfriend. "Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I 'failed to communicate'. Turns out I was sending my e-mails to her old e-mail account and she never bothered to look. FML"

asdfghjklfmylife 0

awww that sucks ! talk to your ex


Today, we found out that this woman had not responded to our job offer because she was too incompetent to transfer an old e-mail account to a new one. She was the best candidate we saw to become the head of the IT Department. FML.

fretforyerlatte 0

your bf would clearly have told you that he tried to email you, if you told him that's why you were dumping him. so, did you just do one of those "it's just not working" things, and not tell the poor bastard what he did wrong? or is this entirely made up? hmm..

ydi for getting a new email address and not setting up the forwarding properly. and for being a crap girlfriend.

Who the **** are you? Strother Martin?

why are there so many assholes commenting on this? I'm sure she set it up properly, and if it's forwarding her most of the emails, why would she think any differently? Sometimes these things glitch and only send some of the mail. She certainly isn't dumb for not checking the old one, the whole point of forwarding them to her new one is so that she doesn't have to check the old one. What on earth would make her thing she had to check the old one? That's the whole point of it. Also, her boyfriend's fault for not telling her he wrote her. I'm sure she'd have checked if he insisted he emailed her.

I'd say you got a clean getaway then. immagine if a murder happened on the show.

Didn't you talk to him about why you felt he wasn't communicating? Wow, that's a major mistake because of technology. Consider the job issue a loss, but please, do a little more effective communicating yourself before dismissing someone from your life. You kind of sound like that woman who's made the rounds on the 'net lately who broke up with her boyfriend for not answering her phone calls during a trip to Europe that she'd forgotten he was on. By the time she remembered that he was in Europe, she'd already both emailed and telephoned him messages and confessions that were unforgivable.

you didnt try to talk to your boyfriend over the phone? this sucks, but its your fault. check with both of them, maybe your luck will change?

ALittleBirdToldM 0

aww): dont worry, u'll get another job offer. and u should talk to ur ex. either he'll understand or he's just another typical guy that's too stupid to understand anything. and if thats the case then u'll find another guy. best of luck(: