
By technologyfail - 26/08/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, I discovered a bunch of emails from my old account that weren't forwarded to my new one. Because of this, I missed a job offer, as well as all the emails from my long-distance boyfriend asking if he could visit. I still don't have a job, and I broke up with him because he "failed to communicate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 937
You deserved it 51 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This sounds more like an FML for your boyfriend. "Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I 'failed to communicate'. Turns out I was sending my e-mails to her old e-mail account and she never bothered to look. FML"

asdfghjklfmylife 0

awww that sucks ! talk to your ex


Did you not think to check the old e-mail account?

Did you not communicate your new email address to him?.....