
By technologyfail - 26/08/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, I discovered a bunch of emails from my old account that weren't forwarded to my new one. Because of this, I missed a job offer, as well as all the emails from my long-distance boyfriend asking if he could visit. I still don't have a job, and I broke up with him because he "failed to communicate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 940
You deserved it 51 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This sounds more like an FML for your boyfriend. "Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I 'failed to communicate'. Turns out I was sending my e-mails to her old e-mail account and she never bothered to look. FML"

asdfghjklfmylife 0

awww that sucks ! talk to your ex


Klabauterpete 0

This is either fake or OP is totally stupid. Reason 1: You don't wonder that you do not get any forwarded mails from your old account Reason 2: You don't tell your boyfriend your new e-mail address. Reason 3: You didn't give your boyfriend the possibility of answering to your accusation.

Klabauterpete 0

Roflcopter. The girl breaks up with the guy, because she is too stupid to check her mail proberly, and in the end the guy deserves it. If you ever have a FML experience YDI.

So wait. Your potential employer couldn't have just picked up the damn phone to call you like normal possible employers?? And when your boyfriend said he sent you e-mails (which I assume he did in order to protest the whole 'bad communication' thing) you didn't think to check it? Honestly, YDI

YDI for giving everyone your old E-mail and acting like an idiot when they don't send to your new one.

triplethreat13 0

that's why you're only supposed to change your email address when absolutely necessary. because things like this happen, people don't get the memo.

what gave you the idea that your emails would be forwarded to your new account. you must be an incredibly ignorant person to have that idea

ydi for sure. not too hard to forward email.

because, it is an actual feature you can set up that works most of the time. shes not an idiot.

bigcrazymike 6

Women always blame men for the lack of communication in relationships, but I still have yet to find a woman who is able to honestly express her emotions and talk about her feelings. YDI, and I'm not surprised.

lil_cig 0

I don't know how you guys do it in the US, but don't companies there have enough time to call people on their cellphones or their landline? I think it's only proper if it concerns something as important as a job offer.

tell the ex of your mistake see if you can still get the job(s)