Fair enough…

By badboyfriends - 15/05/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, my best friend got a new boyfriend. She asked him what he wanted for his upcoming birthday, and he said he just wanted to hang out with her and watch a movie or two. I thought it was sweet, so I asked my boyfriend what he would like for his upcoming birthday. He said a blow job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 204
You deserved it 47 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i have a feeling that your boyfriend was the honest one...


Dumb girls. When you want to goad your man into saying something sweet, ask him why he loves you, don't ******* ask what he wants to do or what he's in the mood for. It's not so much having a one-track mind as not being a bloody mind reader. You ask an incredibly vague question, he's not going to know what he's supposed to say. Also, here's a tip: a guy that has already won you over is not going to be on HIGH ALERT for opportunities to impress you with minor things or answer mundane questions in such a way to make him appear insightful, witty, passionate, and so on. You're his girlfriend now, so he doesn't have to try so hard. That doesn't mean he's phony, but stop expecting him to behave like he's got some alluring and fascinating romantic comedy role. We can't maintain that shit forever.

Yur friend's boyfriend said a movie; So then they can feel comfy & them get a blowjobbbbb DUHH!!!!

monogato summed up the last part of my comment really well. In an established relationship, the guy isn't worrying about that sort of thing.

While I agree that relationships should not be based on sex alone, I believe that if you are in a healthy relationship, sex shouldn't be a chore. If she loves him, she should be more than willing to please him, especially on his birthday. I would not be offended one bit if my fiance would tell me he wants a ******* for his birthday. In fact, he can ask for just about any sexual favor (we have our agreed out of the question acts), and I would reciprocate. She should be thrilled that her ******** do that much for him. It could be a lot worse. He could tell her he wants to go to a strip club with his friends or have a threesome or something that could make her feel really bad about herself. Face it. Men like sex. They want it in any form, any time. Be glad he wants it with you.

Don_fml 0

Why do women ask questions they don't want to hear the answer to?

#29 stfu I hate it when people say "you chose an asshole ydi" that's just stupid. And people can change throughout relationships fyi. Its not like they were always assholes so they "chose and ass"

#109 exactly (nakedsquirrel). This FML is exactly the type psycho-gf question that guys dread. What she wants: some intimate expression of love as if it was a new relationship. What she says: "What would you like for your birthday?"

I don't see why some people are so upset- whats wrong with a nice romantic evening together that maybe leads up to something else later? Hello- have any of you gentlemen heard of foreplay? It makes it much more exciting for both of you.

desiree_rose 0

ohh man. my boyfriend is exactly the same way.

Hanging out and watching a movie is the same thing as I want a ********. At least your boyfriend is straight forward