False hope

By :(( - 14/06/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I invited over my best friend, whom I've loved for over a year, since she had to tell me "something important". I got excited and thought she was going to tell me she loved me too. She ended up coming out to me, and wanted to know if I would meet her girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 984
You deserved it 6 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well atleast she trusts you as a friend and you know that she won't be with another guy? :)

Uh, no. There isn't. Lesbians don't like guys. They don't like dicks. Lesbians don't want to get with you. Ever.


I did this EXACT thing to one of my friends, except I'm a guy and the friend is a girl.

Suaria 38

This just depresses me. You can't get any with a girl who is lesbian if you are a guy. It does not work that way. Lesbian is defined as another girl liking and sexually attractive to another girl not guys. Therefore if you were to get some from a lesbian it would be rape.

Well, poor you. But you have an awesome friend that feels you're good enough to come out to. Feel good about it.

I just don't understand how you cannot know your best friend's sexual orientation. It makes me think you only saw what you wanted to see. Real friends don't do that, only people who are trying to "get some".

That is the exact same event that happened to me

Hey man, you should still tell her hiw you feel. That way, there is potential for a threesome.