False hope

By :(( - 14/06/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I invited over my best friend, whom I've loved for over a year, since she had to tell me "something important". I got excited and thought she was going to tell me she loved me too. She ended up coming out to me, and wanted to know if I would meet her girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 984
You deserved it 6 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well atleast she trusts you as a friend and you know that she won't be with another guy? :)

Uh, no. There isn't. Lesbians don't like guys. They don't like dicks. Lesbians don't want to get with you. Ever.


ConnerCyanide 0

looks like we have the same thing in common. Usually when i find a girl i really like they turn out to be bi. doesnt stop me from dating them tho. I even dated a lesbian once idk y the **** she said yes lol

Unfortunately, this happened to me a few years ago. He is still my best friend and sometimes I still wish it was a phase.

kvtgal 0

Dude you should have confessed your feelings ages ago.

homosexuality is a state of mind. you should still tell her what you want to tell her

Sometimes thats how out works out. Atleast you still have a best friend who trust you completely. Its hard to face now but I'm sure you are happy for her all the same

sonicsean89 0

only thing worse is when it happens again. I think girls just like messing with us decent guys