Family time

By Anonymous - 28/06/2009 18:25 - Israel

Today, I woke up late. My grandparents had slept over the night before, but they usually leave early. I heard someone in the kitchen and, thinking it was my brother, I said, "Thank god, the geriatric crew is FINALLY gone." My grandma then responded, "No, we're not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 498
You deserved it 74 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pb_lily 0
nwoodh 0

You will REALLY regret that someday, when they aren't there anymore to make fun of. I promise.


sweetxxdreams 0

that's so mean! you'll be old one day and i hope your grandkids treat you as crappy as that! YDI for being dumb and not being respectful.

Snella_fml 0

I can't decide what's funnier, the OP's stupidity or vdrummer's desperation.

lastminuteperm 0

Heh, well that's what you get for speaking your mind eh? I'd say FYL, but you have to be A LOT more careful, and that was a bit careless. I have to go YDI on this one.

ydi....thats rude...they are your family. do you know how many of us dont have family. FU!!!

mrose57 0

Busted! Grandma may be old but apparently her hearing is still fine.

What a perfect example of complete YDI. A good person will tell you YDI for being a disrespectful jerk about your grandparents. An evil person will yell you YDI for being a moron who didn't check first who he was talking to when badmouthing someone. Both persons are right, YDI for all of the above. XD

Some people aren't fans of geriatrics. Blood relation aside, there are enough reasons to have that aversion. Still, YDI for being so careless :o