By Anonymous - 27/10/2010 05:58 - United States
Same thing different taste
At least they're reading them…
By Typidiot - 25/10/2017 01:37
By Luke - 23/06/2015 22:37 - United States - San Antonio
By Anonymous - 22/09/2009 14:12 - United States
By anonymouschicka - 01/08/2009 19:20 - United States
By smidgit - 19/05/2016 17:32
By Oops - 14/01/2010 15:55 - United States
By 360whoroscoped - 16/01/2015 18:05 - United States - Saint Paul
By smidge - 02/06/2009 06:05 - United States
By ellie - 23/02/2011 07:10 - Australia
By katier8295 - 27/10/2012 12:43 - Australia - Perth
Top comments
serves you right for trying to con people into thinking you're psychic!
i bet you (puts on sunglasses) didnt see it comming
I have a feeling someone called you recently regarding your flier. I also feel that business has been going a little slow for you too. it's ok eventually you will see that anyone can be a psychic as long as they put their mind to it. or you will come to find that you can't do shit and are to stupid to get a real job. that will be $60.
Hmmm, OP maybe you should look into getting a real job...but first learn to spell...
By asking general questions that apply to most people, you can appear to be psychic. I see a white car... and a man in a chair. And a dress... Then the psychic's client will search their memories... and "My mother uses to have a white car! My dad eats at a cafè! I'm married!"
Yeah, did you misspell 'psychic' as 'fraud'?
Both are actually valid. If we're going to mock the OP, we should do it because they are a con artist or because they do not spellcheck their business fliers, not because they used a non-mainstream spelling in their FML.
yup op is bullshit
ur response was "I knew that", right?
it's "flyer" not "flier".
have you ever seen the headline " psychic wins lottery" THAT IS HOW WE KNOW
YDI for being a psychic it's a bullshit profession
It isn't a bullshit profession but rather a profession of bullshit.
nicely said createz
exactly what I was thinking.
If the OP really was psychic, why would she need to put up flyers in the first place? Wouldn't a true psychic already know who needs their services? And a true psychic would of course know their phone number.. I'd like to speak to a psychic.. I'm sitting at home waiting for one to call me.
Who are you to fudge its a bullshit profession?
Well atleast you didn't put "gramer totur". ;)
Your name looks like Mrs-Assy-Pants. Not being rude just funny.
I thought so too the first time I saw it.
I thought that was the name too ....Mrs-assy-pants (:
lol when I read your name, at first I thought it was Mrs. Assy Pants
name jokes aside, spelling and grammar are not the same thing. just sayin'.
157 but it goes with it and besides you call "English" teachers grammar teacher not spelling teacher. (I put English in " just in case). Also I couldn't put a period between Mr and sassypants but I should've capitolized the s.
most english teachers, teaching above third grade level, dobt actually teach or test on spelling. Thats sonetging you're sort of expected to learn yourself.
hahaa oops.
It's flyer you rip-off moron!
Bahaha you shoulda saw it coming that you were gonna get punked about your spelling!
Con artists should be shot on sight
couldn't agree more. and you're prob a useless hippie on top of it
lol, I'm a 26 year old money-focused materialistic IT-consultant. Are you a "psychic" too? :)
eye due cpld redding oar mkae siht up wtih cards and can not spelt. lmf
I'm sorry, but what the **** did you just say?
Allow me to translate. I understand (though do not speak) idiot. This commenter is not an idiot but was pretending to be for the sake of comedy, and to show that OP is an idiot. "I do cold readings (or make shit up) with cards and cannot spell. FML" All clear now?
ilikefmlalot - Around here, stupid is a language. One must study hard to learn how to translate. My interpretation skills are available any time.
Thank you DocBastard. I didn't rape the English language I just slipped something into it's drink. I thought it would enhance the experience. Plenty of people on fml speak stupid. It's all the grammar and spelling Nazi's who correct a post with one mistake to make several of their own.
This FML gives me some hope that people might not be hopelessly dumb after all.
Who they hell goes to Psychics anyway?

serves you right for trying to con people into thinking you're psychic!
YDI for being a psychic it's a bullshit profession