Fierce kitty

By Anonymous - 25/03/2016 17:05 - United States - Miami

Today, I'm in training at an animal shelter. There's an adorable tiny kitten there, which my boss said not to touch because it's feral. "No way he's dangerous!" I said, reaching into the cage to pet it. It struck like a cobra and tore up my arm. My first on-the-job injury is from a KITTEN. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 240
You deserved it 31 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretty obvious ydi here tbh Listen to the boss next time

abraybro 27


Just because it looks cute and cuddly definitely does not mean that it is! next time I would listen to the boss if I were you

1. Don't underestimate cats 2. Listen to your boss.

Not to be too mean, but bitch, what did your boss JUST SAY?

He wouldn't have said it, if it wasn't true.

If you want to befriend it, give it small amounts of raw meat or treats. Don't force it. Talk sweetly to it, but do not touch it. Eventually, it may warm up to you. Ferals turned domesticated are never truly the same as a kitten who has always had contact with people but they can be pretty sweet and loving. You have to see it from their eyes. It's locked in a cage and something 30 times it size is staring it looking at it. It has never seen one before much less been this close. Then suddenly the creature reaches to grab the kitten with hands the size of it.

Some of them can still end up like a normal domestic cat. I remember when I started, there was a really pretty 8 or so month old feral mother cat who liked scratching people. Fast forward 7 months and she is the type of cat who constantly wants to sit on people's laps and purr. I've also worked with 2 5 month olds who still rarely ask to be petted a year later. It all depends on the cat how they end up.

that was one evil little pussy... LOL

This is why you listen, especially when you are around animals. While it may be safe to work with ones who are rehabilitated enough to stop attacking, full on feral cats should be left for people trained and experienced with them.

He did warn you but that still sucks!

repKyle95 24

Wow you really are a total dumbass. I'm glad you don't work with the animals I do, or you'd have lost limbs by now. Seriously, get yourself a vasectomy and clean up the gene pool.