Fierce kitty

By Anonymous - 25/03/2016 17:05 - United States - Miami

Today, I'm in training at an animal shelter. There's an adorable tiny kitten there, which my boss said not to touch because it's feral. "No way he's dangerous!" I said, reaching into the cage to pet it. It struck like a cobra and tore up my arm. My first on-the-job injury is from a KITTEN. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 240
You deserved it 31 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretty obvious ydi here tbh Listen to the boss next time

abraybro 27


Dip. FERAL is more important than tiny, adorable, or kitten when it comes to descriptors. Unless you have a lot of experience or training, or sometimes just happen to be really good with cats, leave the ferals alone.

InfiniteSecret 20

You 10000000000000000% deserve this. Also you are an idiot who should learn to listen when someone tells you not to do something. ??????

sorry to feel sorry for you when you were specifically told not to touch it. but apparently you thought you knew more. ydi