Fight! Fight! Fight!

By Anonymous - 02/03/2016 17:54 - United States - Cedar Rapids

Today, some muscle-head showed up at my house and started beating on me. Turned out my son had been posing online as a Navy SEAL, using a picture of me, and had dared this guy to come over and fight him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 671
You deserved it 2 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stolen valor, I am at a loss for words. Why would anyone lie about military service. And if you do lie about it don't pick a fight with a SEAL.

Punish your son, and press charges against said muscle head. Seriously, press charges. Someone that rage-prone does not need to walk unpunished. Even putting aside that he did it under the assumption you were employed by the USA Military.


LE officers hear this kind of talk all the time. Many of them read a book or heard a story and adapt it as their own. Many were not evan in the service. All of them claim special forces status. Actual special forces people in the armed forces are actually very rare. My son was in Marine Recon. He'll tell you only that he was infantry. Most special forces are like that. They have nothing to prove so why tell you their story. They don't need you to validate their lives.

ViviMage 38

He attacked you. That is assault. Press charges and get a restraining order. Sue for injury if you want. Also, take the son's stuff away. He thought talking smack posing as you is ok? What if he paralyzed or killed you in a rage fist punch? This is something the kid will stop, now. Take away all this internet capable devices like a phone/laptop/etc. Password protect all devices, Internet, etc, and place passwords in the kids own stuff. And make sure he is NOT authorized to talk to the cable company. I work at a cable company, trust me.

I hope you beat the life out of your kid

Schmavid64 13

I hope you have a serious conversation with your son about the consequences of his actions. He will need to be punished for this as I hope he learns how serious this was. I hope you were ok OP and that the police did catch this man.

I hope to god you beat the shit out of your son.

why would your son give him your address...thats like rule #1

Not only does your son need to be punished but he obviously needs a good talk on safety while using the Internet. He clearly has no idea how dangerous it is to give out personal information and his address, and needs a serious lesson on it all and the severity of it. That guy is obviously crazy to drive to some random guys house (thinking he's a seal) just to try and beat the crap out of him, so it's not too far to think he could be even crazier and could've had a gun or knife or something and killed you. I would take away his electronic devices and Internet access (change the wifi password if needed), teach him about safety on the Internet, then slowly give him back some time on the Internet while putting parental controls on, and inform your son that you are allowed to go and check his devices and see what he's been doing until he's proved that he's mature enough to use the Internet properly. In my opinion parents should be doing that anyways when a child, pre-teen first gets a device. Parents should be monitoring their Internet use and access until they prove they are able to use the Internet properly. I would also be shutting down the Internet at night as there's no reason for kids to be on it past their bedtime.

Maybe you should try one of those creative punishments and make your son wear a sign saying that he got his dad beat up ... on second though that is probably more embarrassing for you. It's probably best to stick with the conventional ass whooping!

Schmavid64 13

If he beats his son then that is no lesson. If violence begets violence than he will never learn. Taking things away from his son, grounding him and having a long conversation about this type of behaviour is far more important.

ezrajab 22

It's one thing to play a video game it's another thing entirely to do something like that FYL and have a serious talk with him.

Press charges against the guy who attacked you, and take away your son's technology, and punish him with other things.