First day

By Awkward - 22/08/2013 23:50 - United States

Today, while training a new employee, I had to run after a naked guy chasing a hooker at the hotel I work at. I made him go back to his room, while she offered me a good time for 300 bucks. The trainee left and hasn't come back yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 715
You deserved it 3 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pfft! That trainee is a pussy! If he can't handle a pimp or his hoes, he's gonna have a hard time dealing with the real world. On an unrelated note: who would pay over 50 bucks for stinky, used up, mystery ******?

\ 28

Welp, time to find a new trainee.


catanita 18

300 US dollars? O my god, is so expensive. I can get e fine girl within 100$, but not in US.

Are you supposed to be some kind of pimp?

Poor guy.... Wish I could have seen his reaction tho

That hooker was a little bit high in price don't you think? You should have negotiated the price down "for a good time.

Your job sounds incredibly entertaining, I would of stuck around if I was the trainee, op.

You saved her from naked guy. That should be worth a freebie.

Yet? You actually think there's a chance they'll come back? Dream on OP.

Llama_Face89 33

After seeing that I wouldn't come back either...