First day

By Awkward - 22/08/2013 23:50 - United States

Today, while training a new employee, I had to run after a naked guy chasing a hooker at the hotel I work at. I made him go back to his room, while she offered me a good time for 300 bucks. The trainee left and hasn't come back yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 715
You deserved it 3 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pfft! That trainee is a pussy! If he can't handle a pimp or his hoes, he's gonna have a hard time dealing with the real world. On an unrelated note: who would pay over 50 bucks for stinky, used up, mystery ******?

\ 28

Welp, time to find a new trainee.


Maybe the trainee decided to quickly go to the bank to withdraw $300 cash? My girlfriend and I used to drive escort girls (ie deliver hookers to hotels and houses). Deb did have one job where the client's wife arrived home suddenly, resulting in the hooker grabbing her clothes and making a quick exit through the back door (no time to get dressed). Thanks to the wonders of mobile phone technology, Deb was able to locate and collect the (rather stressed and pissed off) hooker nearby. Girlfriend and I do something else for a living these days...

WHo did the trainee leave with the hooker or the naked guy?

Could've ended "This is a weekly occurrence." lol