
By mobster - 26/07/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, while doing aerobics in my room, I started doing really powerful Knee Highs. My cell phone fell out of my pocket while doing one knee high. As I looked down, I kneed myself in the face. I spent the next couple hours in the emergency room while the doctor told everyone my story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 342
You deserved it 19 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

EPIC FAIL. you can't even put your cell down to work out? just sit it on the dresser or something. come on. sorry but YDI.

This is funny as hell. I'm not gonna say you deserved it, it's just a good laugh.


millenium1000 0

ifruit, so have I. they usually know who's are fake but you will be suprised:D

KillaKingPerrie 4

Had to go to the hospital for kneeing yourself in the face what are you a UFC fighter?

misterasdfjkl 0

you're telling more people now.

Omg I've done that, but I was training for karate and was doing a head kick. I slipped and gave myself a really bad nosebleed :S :L

Someone I know did that when she was little. She got told to do a somersault ona trampoline and kneed herself in the face. Now you can tease her about pretty much anything but one word about the bump in her nose and you've crossed the invisible line leading to your imminent vaporisation by way of death stare

Oh I did that when I was younger, but my knee hit my eye instead.

There is such a thing as "doctor-patient confidentiality." Basically, a doctor cannot tell anyone anything about his patients without their explicit consent. Even my own mother (an RN for over 20 years) refuses to tell me anything about any patients she's had. I'm not sure if it's true but she says she could get fired. So a.) emergency room? That's a load of bull. And b.) your doctor wouldn't tell anyone what happened except maybe family. Fake post.

Why would you go to the ER for kicking yourself? Obviously you are just that stupid so you deserved the kick in the head.