
By mobster - 26/07/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, while doing aerobics in my room, I started doing really powerful Knee Highs. My cell phone fell out of my pocket while doing one knee high. As I looked down, I kneed myself in the face. I spent the next couple hours in the emergency room while the doctor told everyone my story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 342
You deserved it 19 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

EPIC FAIL. you can't even put your cell down to work out? just sit it on the dresser or something. come on. sorry but YDI.

This is funny as hell. I'm not gonna say you deserved it, it's just a good laugh.


mj2123 0

Seriously, why would you do aerobics with a cell phone in your pocket? If you're in your own room, put the damn thing on your dresser or bed or bedside table. It doesn't have to be on your person at all times.

qnsxo17 0

doctor/patient confidentiality?

codaic1549 0

that is for therapists smart one, not medical doctors unless the patient specifically asks. and in a ER lots of people know.

Can't you sue him for that, considering his oath?

something tells me that you have actually injured yourself while masturbating...

haha, I've done that before. At least I stayed out of the hospital - that totally sucks.

x_Leopard_x 1

That sounds like something I would do, haha. But that still stinks. :(

why were you exercising with your cell phone in your pocket?

And now, like your doctor, you just told everyone on FML your story. but, FYL, dude. I'm just as clumsy, but just because I'm clumsy doesn't mean I deserve to get hit, you know?