
By barebackingit - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Kanata

Today, I woke up late and had to rush to catch my bus. Upon arriving at school, I was hot from running and took off my sweater. It was then, in a lecture hall with 400 people, that I realised I hadn't put a shirt on underneath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 076
You deserved it 12 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Yakostovian 18

Easy. When you are already wearing a sweater, it's understandable to forget that you have no shirt on underneath.

Yakostovian 18

Before the username, in the top left corner is the gender symbol. Most submissions are marked with one.

It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.

It's ok OP don't sweat it, you can tell a friend of yours that doesn't go to your college/university to make a scene and then people won't even remember you forgot to put a shirt on :):)

_henry_13 7

Well how does someone manage to put a bra on not a shirt then their sweater ?

Bigfabthetruth52 22

I'm sorry but common sense has to come into play somewhere in this scenario.you to damn old to be doing that type of shit.i don't care how late you were something as simple as being aware of having undercloths on should register in your mind before walking out the door.or if that's how you roll more times then that not then that makes this situation that much more stupid.

Yakostovian 18

I find your lack of empathy disturbing. How I read your comment is fairly insulting. The OP made a mistake, one that could easily have been made by anyone. A sweater with no shirt underneath is pretty easy to do when you are in a panicked hurry. And I doubt you can claim you have never forgotten something similar.

RedPillSucks 31

I totally read this in a Darth Vadar voice.

If the world revolved around the "**** or gtfo" doctrine, you could stay.

Yakostovian 18

I don't normally like that phrase, but your use of it made me chuckle.

Was it at least an art class? "Sorry I'm late, I'm your model for today" strut and pose.