FML Approved, Video #5 By Louis - 21/03/2017 23:18 A hole in one, in one. I agree, your life sucks 617 You deserved it 242 Share Tweet Share
Today, I checked my voicemail. I was really surprised to hear an adorable message from my boyfriend, who is vacationing in Florida. I was even more surprised to hear him having sex with some other girl for the last seven minutes of the message. FML I agree, your life sucks 63 923 You deserved it 3 299
Today, I drove 600 miles to be with my boyfriend of two years for his uncle's funeral. He didn't want me to come because I am seven months pregnant and flying is dangerous in the third trimester. When I got there I don't know who was more suprised to see me: him, his wife, or their kids. FML I agree, your life sucks 83 118 You deserved it 6 622
Today, my boss fired me because I look like her ex-boyfriend. FML I agree, your life sucks 32 851 You deserved it 2 498
Today, I got a Facebook friend request from an ex-schoolmate from my high school. He was the same piece of shit who used to bully me at the time. He's now a psychologist. I guess my life was meant to be bollocks. FML I agree, your life sucks 846 You deserved it 149
Today, I came home from holiday, only to find my house full of small decomposing animals, courtesy of my cat. FML I agree, your life sucks 28 745 You deserved it 5 265
Today, on the first occasion I've seen my boss since her brief leave, I brought up how I got to hear all our customers' heartwarming plans for their moms on Mother's Day. Her mother just died. That's why she was on leave. FML I agree, your life sucks 796 You deserved it 276
Today, our school had tryouts for chorus. Everybody sang a snippet of the song together until the teacher stopped us, saying it sounded awful. He singled me out and told me to sing alone. After I sang the part, he said, "Son, your gift to God will be silence." FML I agree, your life sucks 73 778 You deserved it 7 777
Today, one of the kids at the daycare center I work at was so excited at the fact that his constipation was over, he felt the need to bring me his fecal matter, in his hands, to show me. Guess who had to clean up the aftermath. FML I agree, your life sucks 22 967 You deserved it 1 781
What an icehole!