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By GodMemory_AbsentMind - 21/03/2017 18:00

Today, when paying for gas, I realized I'd forgotten my wallet back home. After a moment of panic, I managed to remember my card number. I paid, blowing the cute cashier's mind, and drove away, before my car started sputtering and slowed to a crawl. I'd used the wrong fuel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 570
You deserved it 5 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I paid, blowing the cute cashier's mind." Wow, that's the last thing I'd expect you could blow as a form of payment!

Around here we aren't allowed to just punch in a credit card from some one's memory. It is a sign of fraud.


"I paid, blowing the cute cashier's mind." Wow, that's the last thing I'd expect you could blow as a form of payment!

OUCH! (Per the car w/ wrong fuel; presume gas <-> diesel) :-(

CheekyRaccoon 27

The diesel nozzle is too big to fit into the petrol hole usually or has some sort of design that prevents it from entering easily.

No it isn't. Diesel pumps specifically for semis are too big.

not true. everybody says that but ive seen it mutiple times were they did do that

Not where I live, they're the same size just different colors

Never underestimate the power of brute-force and stupidity. I know a couple friends who have filled their gas car with diesel, despite different sized nozzles.

This sounds like something from a comedy.

Around here we aren't allowed to just punch in a credit card from some one's memory. It is a sign of fraud.

the fraudster has gotta be pretty dedicated if they decided to memorise the card number instead of just using the card. i know my card number because i've used it so often.

You underestimate the dedication of someone who wants free money.

Sometimes if you're a fraudster, you don't have access to the whole card to steal it, but you have access to the number. Also, if you steal someone's credit card, they'll most likely notice it's missing. But people don't often check their balances, so if you were just using a number, you would be more likely get away with it for a while. People realized this, and that's why they don't let you pay just using a number anymore. In most places anyways.

I guarantee the cute cashier didn't give a shit....

DemCherries 4

"Blowing the cute cashier's mind." Remove the "'s mind" and it'd be a whole different story