
By fmynote - 27/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I wrote a note for my crush of two years, expressing all my feelings for him, signed it as "Forever your lover", then I slipped it into his locker. Later that day, he walked up to me, tossed the note at me, and said, "You know I recognize your handwriting, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 317
You deserved it 29 808

Same thing different taste

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Singularity_fml 0

"Forever your lover"...personally, I would've stayed away from you. That's a creepy way to sign a pointless way of expressing your feelings. Just go talk to him if you're serious.


I know I'm probably going to get a lot of "You're such an idiot" comments, but can someone please tell me what OP stands for? It's been bugging me for ages :P

haha, you'r not an idiot, lots of people don't know. but OP stands for original poster.

aaw! i'm sorry. =( it f it makes you feel any better, i think that it is really sweet that you cared enough to tell him about it like that. love letters can be very romantic if handled the right way. =) but, fyi for next time-- you might want to type it, or have a friend write it, or even write it with the hand you don't usually write with, or something like that.

you must have known that he doesn't notice you at all if you have to write a frickin letter. a crush for two years and you sign it as "your lover?" stalker much? your also a dumbass for still liking him if he doesn't like you. how old are you again? get over it.

All the people who clikced YDI are assholes. The prick you said that you're a dumbass for liking him is a ****. It's not like we can choose the way we feel. And you people can then they clearly don't understand love in the slightest. And if he recognizes her handwriting then he does notice her obviously. They're probably friends. But still, I wanna know what happened after! If he was a dick about it then I'm sorry to hear that.

Just because he recognizes her handwriting doesn't mean they're friends. They could have a class together and sit by each other. And that doesn't mean he 'notices' her either. You have waaaay too much hope for OP.


lol thats just scary .... it say stalker all over it

I wish my school still had lockers :/ when I wrote my gf my first love note I had to give in person knowing there would be either rejection or joy. sadly even anyonomously you found rejection sorry that had too happen

I'm just Gunna say that at least you Reyes so many people don't even try and I would rather be rejected than not know if I have a chance with someone

yeahiknow0 0