
By MLeguillon - 01/09/2014 04:34 - United States - Imperial

Today, after years of wonderful flying experiences, I boarded a flight and took my seat only to find a baby sitting in front of me, behind me, and to the right of me, and across the aisle from me. All of whom decided to cry in unison. It was a 9-hour flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 616
You deserved it 4 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1 edited his/her comment. It was "well at least you got over your fear!" Just so i don't seem dumb with my comment..


There should be an area on the plan for all the families with babies. I'm not sure if this would be a plausible idea and I've just now thought of it; so if it's stupid, I'll know it in a minute or two.

Headphones. I can't recommend them strongly enough. Plus, for longer flights, a portable rechargeable battery for charging up your iPod.

It's like the stars aligned, opening a portal to a realm of wailing, tiny pink imps.

There should be a separate wing for people with babies. Idk, I think it's a good idea

The flight actually turned out pretty well, it was an overnight flight and the mother of one of the babies, after about 2-3 hours has said "I can't take this anymore" and offered everyone around some medicine and ear plugs to help us just get to sleep to ignore it, but I have this issue of not being able to sleep on planes. So I kept looking over and I could see the babies crying, but I could not hear them. The plane was overbooked, so I could not change seats. I mean, it was an overnight flight in the summer to London. It's pretty difficult to get a flight with empty seats like that. I had a wonderful trip and my flight home was one of the best I had ever had.

I feel bad for everybody in this story. I bet the parents much have felt pretty embarressed, but babies can't help crying. It's so difficult traveling with a small child..