By Anonymous - 10/08/2010 16:34 - United States
Same thing different taste
Ticked off
By Sarah220 - 12/07/2010 04:31 - United States
New, from Goop
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Luna - 22/07/2012 02:30 - United States - Carmel
Hello little dude
By Anonymous - 19/05/2012 22:54 - United States
By crayons128 - 24/01/2011 06:13 - United States
By theapplesleader - 23/12/2019 03:00 - United States - Washington
A visitor
By Anonymous - 24/03/2023 12:00 - Germany - Leer
By santasadiekins - 17/08/2011 17:25 - United States
By animal lover... - 05/10/2013 22:34
By Firepants - 28/08/2010 16:04 - Canada
Top comments
fire wins all the time
thats disgusting! *waits for legonut*
Omg wow, a true FML. I would've had a panic attack or something :/
That's pretty cool you have blood in your eyelashes.
ew. that is so gross. >.<
lindsy lohan's pubes.
YDI because I accidently clicked it sorry OP
Did you mean, "When all else fails, use fire"? Still, No.
@34 - So what? Getting the tick drunk? It'll be a party!
nooo!!! you NEVER use fire, or put ANYTHING on it!!! that causes the tick to BURROW DEEPER until he can't get out! then he dies! when arachnids die, they throw up their guts... and their eggs! then you have tick babies in you! crawling around! get tweezers and pull it out by the head.
many idiots on this site. the ONLY way u get rid of a tick is tweezers, and make sure u get the head out. never use fire, vaseline, alcohol, peroxide etc... cuz that causes the tick to puke, and if they carry a disease, that puke will transmit the disease to you
#76 I used peanut butter (instead of Vaseline) so that it couldn't breathe, and then when it started to come out, pulled it all the way out with tweezers. It worked, and I obtained no diseases...
Ticks don't stick to eyelashes. They bite into skin. But even if it was latched on to your eyelid, put a thick glob of Vaseline on the stick to suffocate it.
While rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover works (you want to suffocate it so it leaves on it's own), you don't want those in your eye. I would use Vaseline. The effect is the same, but the thicker material is harder to get IN your eye. The more you know...
82 - My doctor gave the "wives' tales" techniques. If it's buried in well, tweezers run the risk of breaking off the head, leaving the head stuck and making a trip to the doc necessary.
put some dish soap on a cotton ball and put it on the tick...not only does it suffocate em but they also stick to the cotton ball. FYL. that does suck
watch you pull it out and theres a hole where it was....
the hot match head idea was good although I always heard you use a cigarette close to it's butt to scare it out not actual fire. I like the peanut butter and vasoline ideas tho. never heard that. tweezers are bad cause you can break it off inside and eww!!! but the last guy had the right idea. GOOGLE it!! or better yet call one of those medical help line numbers in the front of the phone book. for those of you who don't know what a phone book is, I'm sure you can find the number on the Googles.
tweezers and/or rubbing alcohol
it's funny because u have to burn ur eyelashes jkjj
alil young for her dude
pull of your eyelashes that the tick is on???
never use fire on ticks, all they will do is vomit all yr digested blood and cause a serious infection, always use tweezers
you must use peanut butter to get it off your skin and fire to kill it. trying anything else to get it off your face would result in the tick's head to remain in your skin.
oh no cuz, that'll kill it for sure, but u wanna pull it out with tweezers first, then put a fire to it, sounds painful
I had heard though that as ticks will only burrow into warm bodies, icing the area would cause it to back out on it’s own. This, of course, may just be yet another old wive’s tale.
pull it off dumbass then flush it down the toilet. my grandma takes them off with tape
so true!
doesn't peanut butter work?
Only if you spread it on your butt cheeks first
ur hot
yes, Ur and its ziggurat in what now Iraq, so Ur very hot. Ur also full of dirt and sand. Ur near Euphrates. A) you're a retard. B) hitting on chicks over the interweb like that is pathetic. C) she could be a dude IRL for all you know. Do you think my pic really is me? (I'll give you a hint: yes)
Lol Trollz. Did I educate you on that one, or were you already well-informed (and by that I mean you read the wiki entry)? ;)
I learned about Ur and its ziggurat back when I was a child, when the interweb was only for the DOD and major research universities, and windows was only a way to view the outside of your building. No wiki for my edumacayshun.
Oh damn.
YDI for having eyes and eyelashes. YDI for living in a dirt heap or a pile of tall grass. Trolling aside, put some Vaseline all over its body. It will suffocate and die and fall off in a few hours. DO NOT use fire; it will puke its guts back into your bloodstream, increasing your chances of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or Lyme Disease or other horrible nastiness.
if that's really true then damn you really know your stuff
Aw, I can't see the original comment. I'm so curious about what's really true!
Ah, NVM. Saw it.

fire wins all the time
Fire is how you kill them. You can get them off with tweezers. Just make sure you don't leave ANY part of the tick inside of your skin or on your eyelash or whatever.