
By Humaned - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Curaçao - Willemstad

Today, my school is making us take care of eggs for a teen pregnancy awareness project. Ever since we got the eggs, I've had nightmares… and people wonder why I don't want kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 674
You deserved it 1 838

Top comments

Eggcellent choice- kids are not for everyone, and that's totally okay. I hope you make it through the assignment OP!

Pretty accurate class, real children give you nightmares too. Lol


TheNoNameGuy 20

Well... I guess it's an effective method to help stop teen pregnancy?

Pretty accurate class, real children give you nightmares too. Lol

Eggcellent choice- kids are not for everyone, and that's totally okay. I hope you make it through the assignment OP!

TheNoNameGuy 20

I said similar to this, got flagged for spam. It was the first comment too

TheNoNameGuy 20

That's Eggcellent. I got flagged the first time.

hannah_dl 11

That's kinda pathetic. Stick to your username #6 and stop trying to "be" someone with those dumb "first" comments.

That's why I love Alan, he doesn't just moderate comments that are inappropriate. He tries to keep the intelligence level a little higher than normal

Oh don't go and say that, 51. I'd only just broken his self-esteem, then you come along like some kind of guardian angel. You're going on my list.

TheNoNameGuy 20

What list. And my self esteem wasn't broken. Who are you talking to

Wait till you take care of the Infant Simulator. Utter torture.

It's the pressure behind protecting and caring for the egg that's leading to the stress-induced nightmares. Op clearly doesn't want to handle that kind of responsibility now or in the future

Mathalamus 24

what kind of an egg is it? the standard chicken egg?

Mathalamus 24

Well, I know it was stupid question, but there are many eggs that are relativity easy to care for...

Next tym tell them.. Whenever i see u, i am afraid of kids