
By Humaned - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Curaçao - Willemstad

Today, my school is making us take care of eggs for a teen pregnancy awareness project. Ever since we got the eggs, I've had nightmares… and people wonder why I don't want kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 674
You deserved it 1 838

Top comments

Eggcellent choice- kids are not for everyone, and that's totally okay. I hope you make it through the assignment OP!

Pretty accurate class, real children give you nightmares too. Lol


I think it's just to drive the idea home. Some kids don't see raising a children realistically. And I at least hope the terror of these projects(especially the dolls with sensors and such) would make sure people use protection.

I don't want kids either so I don't blame you OP. They're loud, annoying, messy, needy, and a huge financial burden. Yeah no thank you i'm fine. If you want kids then go for it, i'm not trying to talk you out of having them, i'm just saying it isn't for me. I don't want that annoyance in my life.

I did the same thing in school, then I got in trouble when I tried keeping my kid in the fridge so he didn't spoil.

You don't keep kids in the fridge to keep them good? Damn there goes that idea

that is a lot of pressure..don't worry op, no one will ever force you to take care of something you don't want to again...except for your co-workers, your job, your taxes, your bills, eventually your parents, a parent or a don't need to have sex and be pregnant to take responsibility..get over yourself and relax, in a couple years the egg caring will be one of the easier things you were to care fun it is to grow up XD

What do you mean "take care" of the eggs? Like keep them in a warm place until they hatch?

And how can this exercise spears awareness on teen pregnancy? I don't see any connection between the two.

Hey there! I've never wanted kids either. Nothing wrong with that. :) You do you and don't let other people try to make important decisions about your life. Edit: By the way, I'm nearly 30 so I'm not some young-un either.

emi_alejandra 23

I'm also doing that egg project and it's really a nightmare... I already broke one

At least with eggs you can put them in the fridge with a note and wait out the project. With a real baby I'm pretty sure that a felony in most countries.