
By Humaned - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Curaçao - Willemstad

Today, my school is making us take care of eggs for a teen pregnancy awareness project. Ever since we got the eggs, I've had nightmares… and people wonder why I don't want kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 674
You deserved it 1 838

Top comments

Eggcellent choice- kids are not for everyone, and that's totally okay. I hope you make it through the assignment OP!

Pretty accurate class, real children give you nightmares too. Lol


Steve97 32

SO THATS WHERE BABIES COME FROM. my mother lied to me.

Wait till you get older. People who don't even know you well will ask why.

Why wait when you can just read 16's comment.

And they'll tell you that you're never going to be fulfilled or know complete love. It's such bullshit not everyone want to be a parent or is cut out to be a parent.

30, Exactly haha. 34, That and my mom gives me the "you're going to be alone" spiel. Annoying.

The forever alone spiel gets old real quick. As if someone could never love me if I don't want kids. Or when people say men want maternal women. Well, that's great I'll date non-maternal women then.

graphicstyle7 17

If you're so young you're in school and doing this assignment, then I would strongly advise keeping an open mind.

Uhm, no. People can make the decision that they don't want kids while they're in school. If they're old enough to be making decisions about college and they're career, they have a say in whether or not they want kids and OP clearly doesn't and that's okay.

Don't tell OP to keep an open mind. A lot of people know they don't want kids at OP's age and still don't when they grow up.

If it's affecting you that badly talk to the teacher and see if they'll let you off. They shouldn't make you do something that's damaging your health.

nonsensical 26

...I think the OP will be ok.

You can drop an egg on its head into a frying pan for a delicious protein filled breakfast can do that to a baby too, but you'll end up in prison for the rest of your life .

Just be glad you don't have to carry a 5 pound bag of rice or a crying animatronic doll instead of just an egg ... word of advice: don't put your egg (or a real baby) inside your gym locker during P.E.

When I was in school they made us take home battery operated baby dolls, they had about 25 sensors all over their bodies and if you were to rough or dropped it then it would register on those sensors and your grade would drop. It also cried randomly and loudly, you had to actually scan a wristband over its feeding sensor and hold the bottle in its mouth for a minimum of five minutes, it had a diaper change sensor, it needed to be burped after feedings and sometimes it would just cry unless you held and rocked it. We kept them for a full week/weekend and my first night I slept two hours because it kept waking up. It was the most realistic assignment ive ever had. And yet somehow still did not prepare me for motherhood lol. Be glad you just have an egg!

How do you like your egg scrambled or Fried over easy