Freaked out

By Anonymous - 16/06/2020 02:02

Today, I was about to have sex with my girlfriend for the first time. When I took my shirt off, she saw my chest acne. She ran out of my house and hasn't spoken to me in 5 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 163
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

I’m 34 and still have acne

I’m 24 and have terrible acne on my back and often a little on my chest. Not to mention my face. I didn’t really have acne until I was in college, either. The presence of acne does not always equal a minor. Or am I too young for sex too?


bloopaloop 27

Well... you know what the issue is, so you got that going for you which is nice.

Don't count the hours -- she's never going to talk to you again. Women hate chacne! They're certainly not going to wait around to see what you've got going on below the equator.

Aren't you too young to be having sex?

I’m 24 and have terrible acne on my back and often a little on my chest. Not to mention my face. I didn’t really have acne until I was in college, either. The presence of acne does not always equal a minor. Or am I too young for sex too?

ojoRojo 27

I’m 34 and still have acne

I had the same problem with acne on my chest but my face was acne free which I found awesome when in high school, plus my chest hair hid the acne very well Hahaha

I use to have acne, tried everything. Answer was change my sheets twice a week. Give it a shot even if you're sheets seem clean.

randybryant799 20

Obviously you two are not mature enough for sex.