By fmylife7721 - 03/07/2011 05:51 - Canada

By fmylife7721 - 03/07/2011 05:51 - Canada
By Anonymous - 16/06/2020 02:02
By Anonymous - 14/10/2015 13:45 - United States - Phoenix
By allergyface - 16/12/2009 03:34 - Canada
By Disappointed - 04/10/2014 03:08
By EpicFail - 11/01/2009 20:59 - United States
By Acne_problems - 22/02/2019 02:00
By nybaby - 29/11/2010 21:17 - United States
By fuckmuppeter512 - 04/01/2014 22:26 - United Kingdom
By vegas-81 - 10/02/2014 03:39 - France
By collball22 - 22/08/2011 04:58 - United States
I suck :L
I think they're talking about masturbation here not ********
your girlfreind just owned your ass. I like her, you make a dumb comment and she got you. sucks to be you aha. and it doesn't kill acne so stop rubbing it on your face OP. however it does help whiten teeth.. for those of you who care
well at least you don't have acne ..right? o.o
you got owned. and it doesn't help with acne but it does help whiten teeth and loosen plaque. my dentist told me this. he applies some to my teeth after every check up and he says once daily will make your teeth super white :)
i think its time to sue your dentist lol
Look on the bright side, all of her friends will give blow jobs to you if they get a pimple!
why would I sue my dentist for whitening my teeth for free? it's a valid method. and hey, if you can't find any you could always use your own!
Maybe he gets "facials"
103- or i could always use yours. . . .
sure 120 i have lots to go around
that's a little disturbing but cool, I do hope it's not his though
it's nice right? very relaxing
...And she jokingly texted all her friends about your failed attempt to get a *******,right?
208: are you seriously asking that?
226 - No. There is no "****** up dentist" who gives his customers facials.
Kinky, but no.
stop putting cum on your face then
It burns if it gets in your eyes though dude.
Why didn't I think of that?
Flockz, I'm Jesus. I found a way to keep my beard from getting sticky. I turn the **** that touches my beard into shampoo.
It's waiting for you man. And it's horny.
Carefull, your beard might get pink eye.
pinkeye is from getting bacteria from the anus in your eye, most commonly from someone sitting or farting on a pillow. also, last time I checked beards don't have eyes :/ maybe jesus' does tho
70 then how come you didn't find out about closing your eyes.
122-Because I was enjoying a nice Kids Cuisine at the time.
Chuck Norris has a fist in his beard.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaythat wasn't funny at all. that was more of an insult towards the person dating her aswell then
Yeah man, you tell her friends that she's anorexic!
and bipolar and secretly has aides
aides? like personal assistants?
47, it's AIDS, not aides.
Lmfao! Damn. Guess you have a story to tell now.
well said.
This plan backfired on the OP.
the uggos will
Can I be your first customer? Or I can work for the company and help make it. I'll enjoy making it more than buying it. 8)
... Sometimes, only my picture can explain hiw I feel. Other times, it's the exact opposite. This is one of those times.
u no gusta?
Sassy, how'd you change your name man? I'd like to know if it didn't involve making a new profile.
156 Sirin asked if I wanted it changed and she changed it. That's why I don't **** with admin.
Thanks for the crate of vodka and fine cigars, MrSassypants. Very considerate of you indeed.
Sure and if you need help with drinking the vodka we would drink together! I promise if I get a little tipsy I will not under any circumstance take advantage of myself. Oh how I love lying. They say my pants will catch on fire but my pants are to sassy. 8)
Shit did I type that? Thanks Sirin!
why would you tell someone that?
why not? he was just kidding around. I've had a boy friend try to convince me swallowing is healthy for your skin it keeps wrinkles away.
well is it healthy for the skin? lol
My impression was that he told her that in an effort to persuade her to let him (how to put this delicately...) finish on her face. "Hey, there are proven scientific benefits! It'll help with your acne problem!"
kidding... yea telling people putting cum on their face is hilarious
u wanna find out for urself
dats for 45
what a bitch you should break up with her because she could do more stuff like that which could hurt you in the future and get you in trouble just sayin
or you could not make a dumb joke and set her up to get you back? it's funny and he deserves it
wow if I were a guy I would hate to be your boyfriend can you take a joke
does it work?
stop putting cum on your face then
At least you can start your own business now. Proactiv 2: Ingredients Unknown.