By fuck you, Odin, FUCK YOU - 03/03/2014 22:35 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was finally all set to lose my virginity. My girlfriend pushed me onto the bed and pulled off my underwear. She then made a face as if she'd just sucked on a lemon, and got up and left without a word. I haven't heard from her since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 335
You deserved it 9 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dodged a bullet there, you'll find someone who cares only for who you are.


I dont know enough about the situation, but maybe she wasnt ready for sex yet, and panicked.

But she pushed him on the bed and pulled off his clothes. Sounds like experience to me.


Sounds like he had some nasty odor coming from down under. You don't make that face for no reason.

Kuro_Kamen 12

That's the only thing I can think of too. Unless she's shallow enough to run from someone unshaven.

#35 He was losing HIS virginity, not the other way around.

She was wondering what she could do with that, and the response was just a little bit off. FYL

No shit, #76. SHE'S the one with experience. Read #26.

Unfortunately it could also be if he's cut or uncut. I've met and read about many girls who won't sleep with a guy whose one way or another. I'm any case, sorry OP. at least you didn't lose it to someone who doesn't care.

nurchok 15

Sorry to hear that OP. You'll find someone worthy of your virginity. #1, Amen to that. #26, maybe she's just a **** who wanted/expected/is used to a big(ger) dick...

You dodged a bullet there, you'll find someone who cares only for who you are.

Or the girlfriend dodged a bullet? Then again, if she cared she might have told OP to do something about the mess, if that was the issue.

cheshireau 26

Well I'm guessing it was a smell or the size. She dodged a bullet

TheDrifter 23

Going by her reaction possibly forgot to wash.

a) forget to shave b) forget to wash c) it was too small d) uncircumcised ..or d) all of the above

euphoricness 28

Or it was so massive that she got scared and ran away before that massive thing would suffocate her and have her end up searching for the key of recovery from Frodo. Just a thought

I'm not really sure why uncircumcised would be a turn off. The more natural, the better. But please DO wash.

loooloool 13

I don't think she would want to **** a turtle dick :l

It's a gross flap of skin covering your penis. I don't care how natural it is, it's nasty. Pubic hair is also natural but every guy I've met prefers a girl to be shaved and some girls prefer guys to be shaved or trimmed. Natural isn't always the best/preferred when it comes to your body.

what exactly is wrong with being uncircumcised?

Real men don't shave. We do wash though, and groom

Honestly I couldn't care if a guy was circumcised or not, as long as it does the job well I'm not going to complain. It's not like penises and vaginas are attractive things to look at.

knoxxx 22

Fun fact: uncircumcised penises actually provide a smoother "transition" into the ****** during sex, so sex is typically considered more pleasurable and/or less uncomfortable with uncircumcised penises.

squideth 18

If you can't handle a natural penis without throwing a hissy fit about it being "gross", you're not mature enough for sex.

jazzy_123 20

70, I don't know what guys you hang out with or what guys you've been involved with, but I know plenty of guys who say they don't care if it's shaved or not as long as it's clean, and same with the women I know.

I've had both. Not really much difference sex-wise. I actually didn't notice my first uncirc'd until like the fourth time. (he was always out of his shell by the time i got to him;) If anything it gave an extra "sensation" so to speak. And men should be groomed but not bald. (disclaimer: my opinion, others may vary in their preference). I don't even like my twat bald.. I trim. :D Less discomfort afterwards.

Circumcised penises have a disadvantage that is not really there when you're young. Its usually so that the penis gets less and less sensitive over the years. Which can makes sex very uncomfortable for both sides when you get older. I personally consider Circumcision as child abuse. And i think not many of the men circumcised today would choose it of their own will when they're 18 or older. Nothing against that though.

What about the cleanliness issue. It tends to be easier to clean properly cut and can't ever need one later in life due to medical issues

OP lives in the US, where circumcision is pretty much the norm. If OP is in fact uncircumcised, I can see where that might freak her out if she has never seen an uncircumcised penis. I've not seen one in person myself, but I've seen images. It took me a while to get over the initial weirdness, because like I said, here in the US circumcision is the norm and that's what we are used to. Just my two cents.

Coeliacchic93 21

the only time I think being circumcised is okay is if it's for medical reasons. I know someone who was circ'd when they were around 2 because there was a problem with it. And he still remembers the pain. I don't get why people would react so badly to either circ or not.

There's almost a stigma to actually being stigmatised in the UK and as young kids it would actually be an insult! The vast majority (Non-Jews and those without medical disorders) are uncircumcised in the UK.

do people really care if someone is or isn't circumcised :o?

Revan501 15

Ouch man thats got hurt your manhood.

It might've just been that it smelled really bad.

I just want to know why Odin had to be cursed.

I really don't understand your name, OP. :P All right, to be more helpful, perhaps it's not size. Does your one-eyed willy have a party hat or not?

Holy shit, that was funnier in my head. Only the other hand, I think I may have worked out the correlation between Odin and cocks.

Ali_Br_fml 33

Ok, I'm a little slow...could you enlighten me please? I don't see the correlation between the two. I know of Odin from the comics, from Greek mythology, and the application used to root android devices...but I haven't found anything that would show a correlation between those two things.

Rosebudx 32

If you know of Odin from Greek mythology, then you know something that no one else knows about Greek mythology. Norse mythology, on the other hand...

Ehh, still took a minute to figure out. By then, it lost its humor.

Ali_Br_fml 33

I was using Google on my phone to find out about all of those things since I only knew about the application to root devices before seeing this comment and OP's username. I seem to have copied that part down wrong, I should've said the God of Germanic mythology or Norse Mythology. I'm going to read up on that and one eyed Willy to get this joke, because this went way over my head.

Ali_Br_fml 33

Ok, thanks guys, I think I FINALLY figured it out. (better late than never)

Odin is the missile system in CoD:Ghosts.Or it something else that I've never heard of.

You need to pick up a book. Here, borrow my library card.

TheDrifter 23

You're so big she just want brave enough to take you on. Yeah, that's it. Go with that.

She may not want to talk about it but it would be a good idea to mention what the problem was...

That sucks .. This has happened to me OP, feel better