Free TV

By Anonymous - 20/02/2013 22:55 - United States - Ithaca

Today, I discovered that when you suddenly get channels that you didn't have before, it doesn't mean there was a glitch and you're getting free TV, it just means that your son called the cable company and had your plan changed so you get every conceivable channel at a hugely increased price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 793
You deserved it 5 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What I wanna know is if it included the dirty channels too.

If the account isn't in his name he can't request the extra channels surely.


Don't know how the US works, but here in Belgium a minor (-18) can't legally sign contracts or make purchase agreements (It's done all the time though...)... So if you lived here you could just explain and have your plan changed back, without the extra costs...

I'm pretty sure it works that way in the US as well. If the cable company failed to validate the identity of the caller, the customer should not be responsible for the charges, first of all. And no, a child isn't allowed to enter into contracts here in the state either.

So did u get to know about it after you received the bill or did u witness your kid watching ****????

unless your son sounded like an old man and knew all the account details, I don't think he would be able to do that

If your son is a toddler I can see that being funny but if he is old enough then he should help pay for it

Fight those charges! Your son was not authorized to be allowed to make such changes, then ground him!

I'm normally opposed to the use of parental controls but in this case you should lock that tv up so tight the only thing he can watch is the kids channel.

perdix 29

Cancel the channels and don't pay the bill. Minors are not allowed to make legally binding contracts.

Who said anything about the son being a minor?

Cancel the extra channels and tell your son that he can pay the cable bill this month for doing what he did. Heck, he should pay the cable bill for the next six months. I know that when I contact the cable company, I just need to give the name of the account holder (me) and confirm the address of service.