By nottoosmall - 03/04/2013 16:57 - United States

By nottoosmall - 03/04/2013 16:57 - United States
By rxcrs3 - 09/08/2012 06:44 - United States
By xXxJoe16xXx - 01/12/2009 21:11 - United States
By well crap... - 21/06/2020 14:18
By diesel444 - 23/08/2010 05:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/06/2013 14:29 - United States - Greenwood
By secretdeo - 24/08/2009 04:48 - United States
By useless pos - 01/03/2013 00:48 - Australia - Sydney
By fuck - 18/03/2015 17:40 - Netherlands
By Anonymous - 31/12/2015 22:33 - United States - Washington Crossing
By totallyembarassed - 07/07/2012 04:08 - United States - Charlotte
Yeah don't exaggerate! Be proud of your size!
Don't exaggerate but maybe that is OP's size. Better to have the right size condoms than to squeeze your dick off with too tight ones.
Just buy like fifteen boxes so he will be like, "Are these for the next few months?!", then, be all sly and say, "Nope, they're all for tonight". Then kick his ass and rob him blind. What a dick.
#38 - "What a dick"...i hope that's what OP's girlfriend will be saying later ;-)
Yeah too small condoms make having sex with them on horrible and not fun it actually was so small that my dick went numb until I got a bigger size
And then get arrested and charged as a sex offender for whipping it out in a public store that has a high risk of children around.
132, your comment made me think of Horrible Bosses, when the guy is a sex offender for peeing in a playground, in the middle of the night, next to the bar. I'll never get sick of that movie!
How would the cashier know?
OP's dick just got OWNED!
OP was probably white and the cashier was used to only darker skinned males buying that size.
You must not have your penis license. See, when you go to buy condoms, you need your penis license, much like, if you were to drive, you would need a drivers license. Now, where your age would be on a normal drivers license, a actual photo of your penis, along with it's length, diameter, and TMI (lenght x girth/width) are shown. It's really common knowledge.
Ah, the old penis license. I used mine one too many times and now I am restricted on how much time I am allowed in the shower.
#2 good call, sounds like the cashier is a real dick
66- OP could be the village bike....
The cashier knows because a regular condom fits over an arm - just fill one with water and watch how big it becomes! Also condom companies are on the record of selling the exact same size as normal packaged into XL. It's for guys with self esteem issues. No dick in history has been too big for a regular sized condom, not even a **** star's.
His hands and feet are tiny. That's how...
Actually 151, "regular" condoms are what I used for years, until I tried and XL. Now I no longer want to ever go back to regular again. It made a world of difference for me.
Regular condoms ARE too small for some guys. Just because they fit over your arm does not mean they fit _comfortably_ over your arm (or a large penis). Same principle as a somewhat heavy-set person wearing stretchy clothes three sizes too small. Sure, they can get them on but in no way does that mean they 'fit', or are comfortable for the wearer.
151, you have no idea what you're talking about. As others have pointed out, just because a condom can stretch does not make it comfortable. Also, the ring of latex at the base is MUCH less elastic than the rest; I once went home blue-balled because the girl I was with only had regular size condoms, and we physically could not force it on.
Wow that was rude.
Dammit! What was the comment?!
I need to know what that dick said
What a douche
This cashier must be your stalker who spy's on you when you're not looking.
Hey, if its a girl cashier maybe its not a bad thing if she's stalking you. Oh, and I would be a disgraceful Grammer Nazi if I didn't do this-- Spys*
I thought it was "spies"?
I have investigated this claim quite deeply and it seems you are quite right. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Prove him wrong. It's just Walmart....
Prove him wrong? How, there and then?!
If he whipped out his genitals in Walmart, he would be having legal troubles, not just a problem with a cashier.
And not only could he get arrested, but unless he's got an erection, it won't prove much. The size of a limp penis doesn't always have a direct correlation to erect size. There are a lot of factors, e.g. "shrinkage!"
Unzip and drop em! Stranger things have occurred under walmarts roof..
He could just end up on love those people lol
I've seen idiots streak through wal mart. I highly doubt OP would have been in legal trouble for proving the cashier wrong.
Was the cashier your ex or your mom? Otherwise tell her you'll be lucky if these fit, you normally wear trash bags.
How would you know it's a girl?...
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayThat makes no sense: Mums should know what their sons' dicks look like because they changed their diapers as a baby? And that dicks are identical from father to son?
^~and, don't you know? Size never changes from baby to adult! A baby's dick is 40% of its weight at birth.~
Well OP, it was only a Walmart cashier. They don't know the size of your manhood unless you dropped your trousers for them, so just ignore them. But FYL indeed for their comment, but if that really is your size you shouldn't let their comment get to you.
She don't even know you! ... WTF?
Just because someone doesn't know you, doesn't mean they won't be a douche.
The cashier was probably just a very jealous male .. Unless you go shopping naked, I assume he didn't have anything to base that statement upon ;)
it was weird today, I went into walmart and everybody had clothes on!
How would the cashier know?
Was the cashier your ex or your mom? Otherwise tell her you'll be lucky if these fit, you normally wear trash bags.