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Freudian slip

By someonevexed - 01/02/2009 19:01 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend called me by his mother's name for the 100th time. I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 027
You deserved it 10 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stupidity_9 0

The most hilarious thing, is that my brother's friend said he hates gays because they "might hit on him". But, at that exact moment, the most flamboyant boy at our school whipped around and said, "honey, you ain't my type." I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. But, the mother thing, is a wee bit odd. I might ask him about that, if you haven't already.

I once called my teacher "mom". He's a guy.


jahwn 12

Well, don't take it badly, it's possible he's used to referring to someone he loves/ lives with by that name.

you may respect that, but I don't. Screw their interpretation of their religion, and screw the views that have been forced on them. They're like sheep, and they don't even realise it even though it's a part of every fibre of their being. So no, i sure as hell don't respect their opinions. I PITY their opinions. i pity their lack of education, and their childish, immature instinct to--rather than seek knowledge and information about the world around them--use a piece of fiction written several millenia ago, that tells them that the world is only 12000 years old, and that women need to stay in the kitchen and that you'll go to hell if you don't live your life strictly as the god on the pages of the book wants you to. i guess i shouldn't go off topic though, huh... mmkay, well, OP: i guess he's got a very close relationship with his mother. strangely enough, mother-son relationships seem like the closest relationships between humans. there's a psychological explanation for it - maybe it's instinctive, you know, from when we males used to protect the family group from predators and other threats. the mother is the nurturer, and it's natural for a child to have strong bond with his parents. Howevah, he aint nah child. confuzzling

skgirl 0

well were you nagging him or something maybe he was referring to you acting like his mother?

48, screw you for being so closed minded while having such a similar screen name to me.

Reyo 2

These "good Christians" are giving the real Christians a bad name. They seriously make me want to punch babies.

Hate the sin, not the sinner. And dude, he's calling you his mother's name? I dun get it, miho.

.. The first people who settled here were Protestant, bud.

tschmitt 0

Well he obviously loves his mom more then you if he can't get your name right...I say Dump him...

Am I the only one that thinks it's VERY unusual that he calls you by his mom's name (Mary, eg) , not just "mom"?!

JaneLovesJoe 0

"you deserve it because you are gay!" yeah guys, just go on that disrespectful way of commenting other people's problems. I'm sure someone'll help you endure your foolery. *contemptuous looking* @someonevexed: just dump him (really!). and maybe propose him to marry his mother.