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By crazymuch - 01/02/2009 18:08 - Canada

Today, I talked to my boss about the fact that I have been diagnosed as bipolar and I am having a really hard time with it. He told me to look on the bright side, now that I'm crazy I will never have to do Jury Duty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 115
You deserved it 4 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

um, and ADD is still a real disorder. even if its overdiagnosed, those of us who actually have it and have to deal have a hard enough time without the six million people who say "oh, theres no way you actually have ADD" or "ADD isn't real" or whatever. also, you really can't diagnose a stranger over the internet, as disappointing as that may be for you.

pepper005 0

Maybe he was just kidding around. I have similar diagnoses and when I open up to people about it occasional, sometimes they make a joke about it. That usually means they're just uncomfortable about the subject. Don't take it personally.


Why is this and FML? No jury duty, you've got it made. BTW, bipolar disorder is almost as wrongfully diagnosed as ADD, so I would bet the odds are 3 to 1 you don't have it

um, and ADD is still a real disorder. even if its overdiagnosed, those of us who actually have it and have to deal have a hard enough time without the six million people who say "oh, theres no way you actually have ADD" or "ADD isn't real" or whatever. also, you really can't diagnose a stranger over the internet, as disappointing as that may be for you.

I don't know what I'd say if someone came out with that to me unprepared but it'd probably be something like that.

Wow, you're so over-sensitive. I would have laughed if I told my boyfriend I have bipolar disorder (which I do) and he did that.

Fenzie 0

I'd of taken it as a compliment, I'm actually severely depressed. So one less stressor (jury duty) Sounds really good in my book

Is this true can you really get out of jury duty if you say you have bipolar

GlitterTwin 4

No. It's not true that if you SAY you have bipolar you get out of jury duty. If you actually HAVE bipolar, then you might get out of it, depending of the severity. Besides, you have to have proof. You can't just say you have bipolar and they'll believe you. They need proof from a doctor.

may_cause_fail 0

I'm sure he was just trying to cheer you up and doesn't know how to handle something like that. :3 Give the guy a break.

pepper005 0

Maybe he was just kidding around. I have similar diagnoses and when I open up to people about it occasional, sometimes they make a joke about it. That usually means they're just uncomfortable about the subject. Don't take it personally.

He's right and jury duty sucks. I'm glad I don't have to go any more. I lost a ton of money and couldn't pay my bills last time I got called up. The case lasted 2 weeks and we got $8 a day stipend. I live alone and make a lot more than $8 a day, and have the bills to go with it. $8 doesn't cover the parking....

Haha don't take it so seriously, I'd say he was just trying to be funny to cheer you up.