Moving on
By Peekaman - 15/08/2010 22:31 - United States

By Peekaman - 15/08/2010 22:31 - United States
By bluemonday - 17/04/2009 11:47 - Canada
By LassieToe - 30/03/2012 03:48 - Australia
By wowthanksworld - 22/03/2013 15:42 - United States
By niabby - 20/02/2009 23:13 - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia
By sleeper - 02/03/2010 05:05 - France
By M.L. - 06/09/2009 21:09 - United States
By comfylap - 28/05/2010 23:30 - United States
By DonMare - 22/04/2009 07:48 - Australia
By anonymous - 22/04/2011 10:50
Wow. Just wow.
cool story bro
That's pretty much a ydi.
Subway: eat fresh!
How exactly does he deserve this?
29, I like the spontaneous capitalization
thanks for telling the word that you're a careless daydreaming perv who needs a girlfriend. ydi
were you Dazzled and Dazed by her double Ds?
YDI for not getting off 17 stops ago but nice dream
lol FAIL
Op did you actually count out the 17 stops? lol
17 stops. lmao. wasn't there a Seinfeld episode...?
He beat me too ;(
boobies :D
dear #61 it was a train. just saying :))
yeah me too
this is a badass fml so stfu fatass :p
rofl @ 122
you must have beeen in a really deep sleeep.
this is either very fake or very epic... but still hilarious @ the 17 missed stops rofl... use better wording lol i thought we were on the subway and then somehow in your car..but then i realized you were talking about the subway cars :O
113why does anybody need to show what they look like on a site where you post crappy stuff that's happened to you. too be quite honest half the users here are just a bunch of kids with low self esteem stealing somebody identity to get attention. and if ur one of those kids lacking attention, go throw yourself out in the real world instead of this site.
Bet you only got a pants boner too! QUEERBAG!! no jk, drink a case of monster or 4
Op had you stayed awake you may have actually seen a topless girl get on in the 20 or more stops you napped through.
no 64, fyl for wasting your time commenting on this fml in which you complained about it wasting your time.... it probably took you five times as long to comment on it as it did for you to just read it and move on........ just saying.....
29- that's not even her unless she's some famous actress, thtas nit her. tht girl starred in pretty little liars. definitely not the real girl
so, what were you smoking?
was the topless girl #66? cuz damn she's hot!
YDI for riding the subway when a beautiful topless girl walked into your car and sat directly in front of you. Then, the train stopped abruptly and you banged your head. The girl was gone and you realized it had all been a dream. Then you realized you were supposed to get off 17 stops ago.
29 - Number one is some fool putting up a picture from Google that's not even her. The picture is a photograph of a girl in the show Pretty Little Liars named Allison DiLaurentis.
169 - Ohh, the irony.
OP, just to **** with your head, I am going to hire a hooker to walk on the train the next time your on it. She will proceed to sit next to you and take off her shirt.
uhh guys #1 is Allison from Pretty Little Liars :)
Number 1 posted a picture of someone on pretty little liars that's not really her.
epic. tht is all.
@ #1 that's the first thing I
LoL @ 78
hahaha nice one
DID YOU GAIS NO #1 IS A BIG FATT FONEY?!?! I NEED TO REPETE THAT SHE'S ON A TV SHOW AND NOT #1S REEL PIKK BECUZ I CANT REEDD!! In other words, #1 is a liar, although the jury's still out on whether she is, in fact, pretty and little.
Who the **** cares about #1's pic? It doesn't have to be a pic of the actual user -- if that's the case, then we've sure got an assload of dogs, birds, video game characters and inanimate objects active on this site.
You obviously have never had a GF if you think that your sex drive disappears when you get one. wtf everyone dreams and once in a while there will be naked chicks, its not like he dreamt of raping someone. even then its still just a dream calm down
happens to me all the time
that pic made me lol
He's lonely because has fantasies of beautiful women? Okay...
he* Damn I'm trying to play Monday night combat and comment on fml at the same time...
Lol sounds like something that would happen to me[: YDI OP
How does he deserve this?
I sure hope it wasn't a wet dream.
Wow. Just wow.
I'm just gonna assume you were high on something..