By driver - 25/11/2009 22:24 - New Zealand
By driver - 25/11/2009 22:24 - New Zealand
By Shooting myself - 10/02/2014 18:57 - United States - Hillsboro
By jeremiah - 06/11/2011 08:21 - Australia
By me - 10/11/2012 19:49 - United States - Bend
By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 12:42 - United States - Huntingtown
By Anonymous - 07/05/2015 15:45 - United States - Philadelphia
By anonymous - 19/03/2011 05:53 - United States
By HeMayHaveSomeIssues - 28/02/2014 20:01 - Denmark
By Harj - 27/11/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom - Edgware
By DoubledTrouble - 21/07/2016 11:58 - United States - Washington
By overdriven07 - 01/09/2009 15:07 - United States
I know Kiwis aren't as litigious as Americans but there are some situations where it just calls for it. If your neighbor won't pay for the damage, you should escalate the matter. He needs to take responsibility for his child, and you have damage to your car that you aren't responsible for paying for.
call the cops and sue him, make him pay for his retard scions. parents need to learn to control their precious little dumb ass kids.
kill the kid and then tell the kids dad me heh what you gonna do
Assuming this really happened I hope you sued the hell out of the kids dad!
Fill his tank with molten taffy if he doesn't pay up to fix your truck. Instant cement works too. Anything that can be liquid for awhile and solidify in a couple hours will do just fine.
Actually sugar is worse. It will fill all the fuel lines and then just stuck there. Lots of work to get the car moving. Tho dried peas are much more fun. Everytime he floors the pedal, sucktion in the tank will get a pea stuck in the fuel line and the car will stutter. After restart it looks like working again, but if you floor it.. =D
Well it's New Zealand. Parents aren't allowed to discipline their kids here any more.
yes they are, they're just not allowd to hit. Groundings, and other punishments like losing things they value are still every bit as effective.
Hopefully you called a lawyer. That's a nice chunk of money, and "Kids eh" isn't going to make that cost go away.
Law. Suit.