By Anonymous - 26/11/2014 16:42 - United States - Flushing

Today, what few friends I have won't talk to me anymore. My ex told them she dumped me because I abused her. I never abused her. What really happened is that she dumped me in a rage after I refused to give her money for drugs. Nobody's even asked for my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 532
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man you can do better than a girl who treats you like that. And friends who believe her without hearing your side first.

If your friends won't stick around to hear your side of the story, you're better off without them OP.


Man you can do better than a girl who treats you like that. And friends who believe her without hearing your side first.

Exactly. Friends who believe the first bad thing they hear about you without coming to you are not really your friends

This is like how my family did. Stupid ass grandma told the rest of our family that me and my parents said shit to them that she actually did to us and now there's no communication with that side of the family.

Exactly. Something very similar happened to me when someone started spreading rumors about me being pregnant. That's when I realized who my real friends were

If your friends won't stick around to hear your side of the story, you're better off without them OP.

Try to record her buying drugs, show the police, and you sir will be off free

Sometimes that's not the best route to go. He may love her even if she doesn't reciprocate the feeling.

I'm doubting that his ex is gonna want to talk to him again after hearing the way she reacted....and ops not going to get his friends back they'll still believe her and call him a huge duchebag for "abusing" her and then getting her in trouble with the police....even though that "should" be him

I don't think that this is the best OP can do...

FYL, OP. Just keep your head up and try to tell the truth. The truth will always come out eventually.

This is a chance to surround yourself with people who will actually be there for you!

They were never your real friends. If they were, they'd talk to you about it or know you well enough to know you'd never do something like that. Also, nobody wants a crazy, manipulative girlfriend who is willing to leave someone for drugs.

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Well, if you're gonna be blamed for something…

I would say kill her but she isn't worth the effort it would take to clean up afterwards.

They are no friends, you mistake 'acquaintances' for FRIENDS!