Funny, thanks

By picklebug - 26/07/2013 16:25 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I was taken to the hospital after I fell down the stairs. The physician who saw me bit his lip and said he would have to amputate my foot, and I fainted in terror. One of the nurses later told me to "learn to take a damn joke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 732
You deserved it 10 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow I get that it was a joke but that's horrible to scare someone like that

Teddzz 19

Being a doctor, he should know not to make such jokes. Not everyone takes them.


Joking aside, it's wrong to joke about that. As a healthcare worker, I find that utterly appalling. -_-

BaconBob20 6

People need to lighten up. It's a joke! He feel down stairs. It's not like he burned his foot or something

gatorgirl2669 6

that would called for the dr. to get cursed out... it aint funny when u r already n the hospital hurt... and she didnt have any right to tell u that.. she woulda been the 2nd person of the day gettin cursed out... who the f@#k are u tellin me i should be able to take a joke... wouldnt be funny if i peed on u right now would it... ha ha but it was a joke

That was really unprofessional of both of them. I get it's a joke but jesus christ there's no need to terrify your patients like that.

An ortho doctor "joking" about chopping a leg is not a laughing matter. I, as a chemist, don't joke about making a bomb in front of non-scientists. It's just tacky.

That joke isn't even funny. I've never hear anyone laugh at that. your doctor is quite unprofessional.