Gamergate 1.0

By Lucie - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my boyfriend got us kicked out of the Apple store for getting into a heated argument with the guy at the Genius Bar about which video game avatar is hotter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 341
You deserved it 5 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Axel5238 29

It easily could've been the boyfriend that was acting immature and was getting more and more heated no matter how calm the guy at the apple store was. There are a lot of people( and it's getting worse) that cannot separate funny with friends, funny online and is it ok in public. There are a lot of people that don't get stuff you do online that's funny/dumb if you actually acted like that it would get you arrested/ thrown out from most if not all places. Even if the apple employee was being unreasonable the boyfriend should have been mature enough not to get so heated that he got tossed out of something so dumb.

I didn't read the full post and hit F Y L, but now that I have all the info, Y D I

OP's boyfriend got into an argument, so OP deserved to get kicked out of the store... how?

Dear OP, Posts like this always have me undecided. Your bf's behavior definitely indicates alpha class d-bag potential, but one can never be sure. You two could be a young couple. Plus, people are capable of changing suddenly. Context is everything. I suppose my question to you would be- is/was your boyfriend a confirmed d-bag from the beginning, or was this the first sign? I mean is this your-life-is-f'ed *because* you thought you had a great thing going and suddenly he pulls this, or was this last episode merely the latest/greatest string in the series? Context, context.

dannnngthatsux 19

Um. You got Jobs'd. The employee should never have argued. "I prefer 'Big Blonde with jugs' over 'tiny Chinese girl wearing no underwear', but you're right sir, 'Tiny Chinese girl with no underwear' is more attractive.'" I'm guessing they don't work on commission???