Gamergate 1.0

By Lucie - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my boyfriend got us kicked out of the Apple store for getting into a heated argument with the guy at the Genius Bar about which video game avatar is hotter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 341
You deserved it 5 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What happened to the customer is always right policy?

I never knew always didn't actually mean always.

Besides, it isn't a nuisance, because the employee allowed it to get heated, too. It can't get to that point unless both of them are going at it.

ZY1431 24

well I've been in more stupid arguments

Oh gosh... Is it sad that I can relate to this fml? Animated guys are hot though. .________.

JMichael 25

20 then you must think I'm sexy ;)

Wait... He's in an Apple store. What does he know about games, anyway?

Why were two grown men talking about sexy blue people?

Lara Croft, Bloodrayne, or Alice from Resident Evil... I can't decide. The Apple guy probably thought that arguing with a "civilian" about the logistics involved in creating an avatar & time he has spent researching (googling) 'hot avatars as voted by you' opinion polls would suffice enough to support his argument. Although, perhaps your partner merely stated the bloody obvious, that the iMan was indeed an iTwit and has in fact, never seen, touched, smelled or tasted a real woman and his girlfriend on minecraft or WoW didn't count. Or they could've based their argument on what skills, attributes and physique made for a hot avatar. Men, so complex and staunch, yet so fragile and simple. Act your age, not your shoe size.

I could be mature, but then there's a lot of responsibility and stress. I could be deep and philosophical, but the shallow end of the pool is more fun. I could be sane and rational, but the right kind of crazy is much more interesting.

Life is a game, sometimes things tend to get heated so don't worry too much OP! (the woes of bad puns) On a sidenote though,how did such a situation even occured?