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By ireallylikecats - 22/04/2015 13:31 - United States

Today, I saw a lady with a stroller in the park. She stopped at the water fountain and got a drink, then left without her baby. I ran to the stroller and started rolling it after her. Two grown men attacked me, accusing me of trying to steal said baby. Turns out it was a baby doll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 298
You deserved it 2 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot twist, the grown men were fighting you for the baby doll


WasabiG 11

The two men were only trying to do whats right. Hopefully you guys sorted it out, best of wishes!

I agree. It sucks OP got attacked from the misunderstanding, but the two men were just doing what they though was the right thing in this situation.

Wtf why would a grown woman walk with a baby doll in a stroller? And why would she leave it behind? So weird. Sorry you got caught in that mess.

Call them out for trying to protect what they thought was a kid?

I wonder if that was for one of those "What would you do" type shows.

At least you were trying to help. People are so quick to judge.

I'm sure the attackers are as confused as you are

Stop worrying about other people's little monsters, not your job. Ydi

Brightbulb 39

good parents can get distracted at times, also if you saw a small child wandering alone and do NOTHING you are the monster. it takes a village to raise a child. they are little humans, but not little adults.

FMLusername969 21

#40 Are you honestly advising OP to not worry about the welfare of a helpless child? You should be VERY embarrassed for yourself and I sincerely doubt anyone in their right mind would take your advice.

this is where the saying "nice guys get their a$$ kicked" comes from... wait, that's not right.