Get back here

By justhereforlaughs - 12/09/2011 22:32 - United States

Today, while at the beach, my little brother's hat blew off. I chased after it before I completely lost sight and realized I was no match for the wind. I get back and he's wearing the hat. I chased a fucking trash bag for a mile thinking it was his hat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 083
You deserved it 11 100

Same thing different taste


kcraw1215 4

How do you know it was a trash bag when you said you completely lost sight of the "hat" and returned to your little brother wearing his hat?

skittles0496 0
DannyJDC 2

How do u confuse a hat with a trash bag??? -_-

Evii_fml 5

Hahaha I literally LOL'd when I read this! LMFAO

AhmandahAnarchy 5

hahaha, omg that would suck. i seriously laughed when i read this and dropped my phone (luckily on the bed)

NoahCOD24 5