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By GnarCarBar - 12/09/2011 23:03 - United States

Today, I woke up to the feeling of someone tickling my back. I quickly realized I haven't been touched in so long that I was smiling to flies landing on me in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 787
You deserved it 4 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Catch them and tie a little rope around their legs and u can eventually train them to love u, maybe.


gazzdogs 5

wow damn I wish I was cool enough to be first!

CherryBomb511 3

Jealousy is just pouring out of me. Congratulations though! For the time that you get to stay up there at least. :D

Do you feel accomplished? Kiss your comment goodbai!

Don't think she needs a shower. Last thing they need to do is stay inside their house.

CherryBomb511 3

She could also eliminate the source of the flies...just a thought.

indielove 13

It won't be long before they decide that they don't want to touch you anymore.

enonymous 8

19 - I agree how long before she nags them to death

rexgar2000 10

pretty pathetic that she finds pleated on that.

larry12693 1

I think op just figured out why he hasn't been touched in so long

WadeWilson_fml 6
michi23 0

Seriously, he needs some friends.

Catch them and tie a little rope around their legs and u can eventually train them to love u, maybe.

thejedi08 10
Scar_loves_you 0

And you Deserve me calling you a douche.

I bet your used to flys bro, you look like a hobo

perdix 29

Enjoy it while you can. In a generation or two, the flies are going to evolve and decide that you are gross and untouchable, just like the human race already has.

That's disgusting, clean your house how can you have that many flies in your house that they tickle you when they land

RA661 8