Get it on

By WentInABush - 15/11/2012 07:23 - United States - Portland

Today, while in my room on the computer, I had a sudden urge to pee. I got up to use the loo and started hearing some disturbing noises from inside. Apparently I was so quiet my parents thought I was gone and decided to have sex in the shower. It's been an hour and my bladder is about to burst. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 548
You deserved it 3 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's why it's great to be a man - The outside world is our urinal.


perdix 29

They probably didn't stay in the shower the hole time. They were probably ******* and sucking all over the bathroom. You may want to invest in some Depends or a Porta-Potty rather than ever go in that room again.

So, I'm guessing that's not toothpaste residue in your bathroom sink? :P

Banging in a family shower entitles you to bang on the door - loudly!

And that children is why God invented windows!

You tell me of one girl you know, who can perfectly pee out a window. . . -___-

I would just knock on the door and say 'Hey hurry I gotta pee' They'll be done within a minute, I promise.

Allornone 35

An hour of shower sex? Hate to see the water bill....

At least they still are happy and have a sex life. Be glad for them.

PsychoBitch666 8

Walk in and pee nonetheless. Their faces should be hilarious.