By Verbex - 28/05/2009 10:16 - Canada
Verbex tells us more.
************************************************************************************************************** Just to make things a little a more clear since I couldn't in the FML: 1. I am not the 70+ year old man from the other FML, although I did laugh at the idea cause of the coincidence LOL 2. I was not leaning over the fence, the fence was my height. I was merely holding the branch with my hand to the right lighting for the image I wanted. 3. I agree, I could've asked permission, but since I was on the road side of the fence, and this fence was at the back of their house, I didn't feel like walking all the way back around the corner to find this house after hiking. For all I know, they probably weren't there. 4. The funniest thing is, they did ask to see my camera and the images, and then just acted like nothing happened. But they did scare the shit out of me because I had my iPod headphones in and didn't hear them approach me and call me from their vehicle. 5. Lastly, F*CK THE POLICE! No, I'm just kidding :P They had the right I guess, but man was that embarasing. **************************************************************************************************************
Top comments
Was it a privacy fence? If so, ask permission next time, and go back there for a better view. YDI. Amusing, though. (and while I'm here, I'll be cool and scream "Yay, first!!!111")
i agree that does suck.. but wouldn't the police look at your pictures anyway and see that there were no pictures of the person you were so called "peeping" on? So, not really an FML.
#2 - pun intended? Shouldn't take more than a couple minutes to take some photos of a tree. Doesn't sound like it was night, so all you had to set was the f-stop, and do maybe 20 seconds of focusing. Check your surroundings a little better next time, if it's not your property get permission.
Not an FML at all. You could just explain the situation in like 10 seconds. Next.
i hope you masturbated too
Bias against men with cameras. Any man with a camera must be evil.
...And then you showed them all the wonderful still lifes from the park and the tree, and they said, "Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Next time try not to take pictures over someone's privacy fence. Have a nice day." The end.
Ya if only cops were like that in the real world we don't live in tv land. Here they would have handcuffed you after throwing you to the ground camera and all ot caring if it broke or you do. Then after sitting in thier car and ran a background on you they might let you go with a warning

Was it a privacy fence? If so, ask permission next time, and go back there for a better view. YDI. Amusing, though. (and while I'm here, I'll be cool and scream "Yay, first!!!111")
...And then you showed them all the wonderful still lifes from the park and the tree, and they said, "Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Next time try not to take pictures over someone's privacy fence. Have a nice day." The end.