Get me out of here

By leahkasscar - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff

Today, I'm stuck in a car with my sister, who is currently having a screaming match with her boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 519
You deserved it 202

Top comments

Open the door and roll out of the car. Especially if you're the driver.

Nothing better than a verbal domestic! Spill the tea!


I fail to see how screaming at your significant other actually helps the situation. My wife and I have never raised our voices in a disagreement, we are always calm and composed when working something out.

Nothing better than a verbal domestic! Spill the tea!

Open the door and roll out of the car. Especially if you're the driver.

Join them. Just start shouting random things.

J15237 25

Well you have to love it when that happens. What was the argument over anyway? Some details would be funny to read.

You need to scream, "Yeah!", "Amen to that!" or "You go, girl!" every time your sister screams something. Your family needs to crush this interloper!