Get out

By pissed - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I got offered an interview for a job after months of unemployment. It's a three-month contract, three hours away from where we live. My boyfriend's reaction was to tell me to move out and take our hamster with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 310
You deserved it 1 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe you can find a new job and a new boyfriend, one that appreciates your plight.

Thinkitthrough 23

I'm sorry OP, that's probably not a serious relationship to your boyfriend if he is willing to end it like that. But at least the hamster doesn't have to suffer in the breakup


Think of the bright side! At least you might have a job soon.

tounces7 27

Well, it's not really a "job" though, just a contract. Is that even worth it? The hassle of moving, finding a place to live, and then presumably moving back, just for 3 months of work? Unless it's a high paying job, which doesn't seem likely if OP has been looking for work for months, it just seems like more hassle than it's worth.

maybe you can find a new job and a new boyfriend, one that appreciates your plight.

I guess if she moved closer to the job there's no problem

If he won't put in the effort you're better off. He told you to get out for getting a job?

Thinkitthrough 23

I'm sorry OP, that's probably not a serious relationship to your boyfriend if he is willing to end it like that. But at least the hamster doesn't have to suffer in the breakup

The FML doesn't actually say that he wanted to break up. It could just be that her boyfriend just wanted her to have a job and was willing to have an LDR. He probably does want to break up, but it really isn't definite.

Take your hamster and find someone that will appreciate the both of you.

JocelynKaulitz 28

At least OP doesn't have to worry about visiting arrangements with the hamster and what not.

That sucks but I'm more worried why he had to bring the hamster in this... No hamster should be brought into parents argument!!

OP, you are but a nomad jumping across the stepping stones of life. Take the opportunities you get, and chase them. If someone else can't respect your decisions, then don't waste anymore time with them. You've got your whole life ahead of you, don't get hung on this one guy who can't give you support or encouragement to go after opportunities.

awildwhisper 30

If he can't wait 3 months to see you again then he's not worth it. 3 months is a long time to wait, but love is forever.

It said nothing about not seeing him for 3 months....

it didn't say anything about that, but going 3 months is the worst-case scenario and if he wasn't willing to put up with that, then yeah, it wasn't meant to be.

Boyfriend sounds like a massive dickwaffle, but at the same time, hamsters maul me every chance they get so...

Take the job and the hamster and go look for a decent boyfriend!

Axel5238 29

Would the contract required both of you to move? It's possible he felt like 3 months would be to long not to see you and the possibility of him feeling like you may cheat? Some people can't do long distance if they feel like they haven't been together long enough. Though I would assume since you 2 were living together had been dating a decent amount of time.