Get outta my way

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that walking on the sidewalk does not mean that you will not be hit by a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 894
You deserved it 4 492

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Had a friend that was out for a walk at 8am and was hit and killed by a drunk driver. I’ll repeat that so I’m fully clear…. She was walking on the sidewalk and was hit and killed by a drunk driver AT 8 IN THE MORNING! I will never not be mad about that.


And just because it's called a sidewalk, it doesn't mean you have to walk on your side. We have a crazy language, am I right?

Had a friend that was out for a walk at 8am and was hit and killed by a drunk driver. I’ll repeat that so I’m fully clear…. She was walking on the sidewalk and was hit and killed by a drunk driver AT 8 IN THE MORNING! I will never not be mad about that.