Good boys always win

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she felt bad that her puppy was lonely while we dated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 140
You deserved it 5 202

Top comments

ThiQQ 9

But doesn't it make you feel better that there's one less sad puppy dog? c:


Hey just be thankful you don't have to deal with her psycho bitch self

maybe that was just a cover (dumb as it may be) for an ulterior motive

Sounds like she has a thing for dogs.

nokaywhatever 5

Don't take offense to this, but sometimes girls will give a stupid reason such as that one to spare your feelings. Maybe she just didn't like you anymore, but didn't want you to feel hurt by knowing that.

I really hope that was just a lame excuse, if not you dodged a bullet. "Well, honey, it was between feeding the kids or treating Scruffy's worms, and you know how Scruffy gets when she doesn't feel loved...." Her loss, your win, OP.

If you really like her, get her another dog so the other one doesn't feel lonely.

avapaige1234 19

"It's not you. It's Brownie Poop." Another lame breakup line. *sigh*

Maybe she didn't like the taste of your dum pah!

87: Shocker, I know, but the relationship with OP could have been pretty casual. There's nothing to suggest he was willing to start a family with her either. Even more shocking is that not everyone wants to or can procreate, or even that everyone wants to get married. ;) Maybe stop suggesting it's OP's ex's raison d'etre to be a good little homemaker and start realising that this was probably just pretence and she wanted to end the relationship.

She's just making up a lame excuse because she doesn't have the guts to be honest. Your better off op.