Good boys always win

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she felt bad that her puppy was lonely while we dated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 140
You deserved it 5 202

Top comments

ThiQQ 9

But doesn't it make you feel better that there's one less sad puppy dog? c:


The only good thing that goes on in my mind is that at least the puppy is not alone anymore or that I shouldn't be with someone that breaks my heart for a puppy.

puzzy 13

This post wasn't anonymous awhile ago... Guess they didnt want anyone to notice that an FML posted after this had the same posters name except that guy was married and this one isnt. Love fake fmls.

TiffGreen 11

I call bull****! Unless she's for real crazy... well time to look for a new girlfriend OP!

She loves her puppy more than you? Um, yeah you deserve better OP.

It probably wasn't because of the puppy

The puppy gets more bitches than OP.

Wondering if she meant her actual puppy (assuming she really has one) or the puppy crush of the other guy she was seeing besides you...either way, piss-poor excuse to break up with anyone...I'd call her on it, saying that since dogs don't speak English-there's no way it told her it was lonely & you want to know what the real reason is or if she's really that shallow/ignorant