Good boys always win

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she felt bad that her puppy was lonely while we dated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 140
You deserved it 5 202

Top comments

ThiQQ 9

But doesn't it make you feel better that there's one less sad puppy dog? c:


belthazor909 4

If she thinks her puppy is better than you, I think you better off with her. ( sorry for my spelling) .

septembers_over_fml 3

She was looking for a way out without saying the real reason.

kidsgotastinky 11

That's some ******* asshole shit

baseballdude1283 18

Why didn't you both just play with the puppy so he/she had both of you?

There is one thing you can admire about the cowards who break up with you without giving the real reason, is their imagination.

I love my dog and I love my chinchilla... I'm a sap for animals. But I'd never dump someone because my pets were "lonely". Sorry but it sounds like she just used that as a terrible excuse :(

If OP's now ex-gf had to use her dog as an excuse to break up with OP, she shouldn't even be in the position to own a dog to begin with if she has a "hard time" balancing out time with her pet versus balancing out other daily life events. Yes, this could really be a bad cover to end the relationship... but who is to say that is where the problem ends? Neglect is a serious issue when it comes to people owning a pet and can really get out of hand. I'm just saying. Personally I think you dodged the bullet with her OP if her reason actually wasn't a cover up just to end the relationship... Even if it really was, still a good dodge. Anyone that can't respect you enough to tell the truth doesn't even deserve your acquaintance. :)

Who's the bitch in this situation, herself or the dog, or both? Anyway, you're better off without someone who uses that lame excuses during break ups...

Medd_fml 13